Mission: Safety, Sustainability, Efficiency and respect for people in ship's management and EAS activities
Ottavio Novella S.p A. manages the ships of the companies CIANE S.p.A., CALISA S.p.A. and the assistance service type EAS on behalf of European Agency EMSA. In order to operate such services in conformity with its Mission Statement it has adopted a Management System in compliance with following norms and it ensures the maintenance over time
÷ IMO’s “International Safety Management System (ISM Code)*
÷ BS OHSAS 18001:2007 about “Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SGSSL)”
* UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 about “Environmental Management Systems”
Given that Ottavio Novella SpA, for each area of present Policy:
- commits to comply with the laws, international conventions and any other type of applicable regulation
- sets a goal of zero accidents in each area
- Acts in order to continuously improve its Management System
- Commits to enhance the expertise and operational skills of its operators by training and raising of awareness in order to improve the general efficiency of its Management System
- Actively cooperate with stakeholders (contractors, clients, supervisory bodies, etc) in order to reach the objectives set out in its mission and present Policy
- Implements annual improvement plans with the definition of objectives and goals leading to the optimization of Company’s performances. Monitors the progress of the planned actions and the achievement of the established objectives. Reviews, the Management System to verify its compliance with this Policy and its objectives and, if necessary, amends it,
It sets the following goals for each area described below :
- Avoiding loss of life, professional diseases, personal injury and damage to property.
Personnel management and health protection
- Guarantees an adequate professional level of its staff and that of the managed ships, a good quality of life both on board and in its shore facilities and the respect for different cultures.
- Prevents work-related pathologies, professional disease and injuries by identifying and eliminating or, if this is not technically possible, minimizing the risks associated with work activities.
- Adopts the best standards of industrial hygiene for the health of workers.
Environmental Protection
- Protects the environment and specifically the preventis air and sea pollution; protects the marine fauna and flora;
- Aims zero spillages at sea and the minimal air emission compatible with the available technologies installed
- Raises awareness of suppliers so that they behave respectfully to the environment and in harmony with company policies;
- Optimizes energy and natural resources consumption,
- Develops awareness of the environmental implications related to logistics and specifically to marine transportations;
Security – Cyber security
- Guarantees the “security” of the ship, of the personnel and of the cargo against criminal acts, with the utmost respect for the
“safety” procedures. - Ensures the confidentiality of data, adopting the most advanced industrial standards for access to data, for their management and use by any user. Ensure an adequate backup system and continuity of service.
Quality of service
- Ensure maximum efficiency in the provision of its services aiming the best satisfaction of the charterers of the ships managed and of all customers.
The achievement of these objectives is granted by acting according to the principle of correct planning, compliant behavior, verification of results and the consequent correction of the initial planning. The Company’s Manuals and Procedures are based on these principles.
It is clarified that the Captain on board has the authority to act and issue the orders necessary for the safeguarding of human life, the protection of the environment and the safety of the ship and operations, whether or not these orders are in accordance with the procedures or instructions provided by the Company. In case of conflict between economic /commercial reasons and the above objectives, the Captain must give priority to the latter.
Signed at Genoa on: August, 19″ 2020